Mary D., Food Blogger

Before I worked with Katelyn, I felt like I didn’t know how to control my eating habits. I felt defeated and like a failure whenever I ‘slipped up’ or ‘got off track.’ 

I was frustrated that I couldn’t seem to control myself around food and I felt like I wasn’t normal. 

I’d have intense cravings that I would try not to give into and would feel terrible when I did. Whenever I’d have dessert or something that I “shouldn’t eat” I would feel guilty about it.

There was also a lot of all-or-nothing thinking- like ‘well, I messed up, might as well give in now!’

When I thought about hiring Katelyn, I’ll be honest- I was skeptical that anything or anyone could help me. I didn’t really believe that I could benefit from coaching.

I was scared of not being able to accomplish anything with Katelyn- that I would ‘fail’ yet again since that’s what’s happened to me so many times when I tried a new plan. I didn’t trust myself to put the work in and I was afraid it would take up too much time and money.

But Katelyn really put me at ease and assured me that she could help me through this. 

After talking with my supportive fiancé, we decided that private coaching would be the best thing to help me succeed.

Since hiring Katelyn as my coach, so many things have shifted.

I’ve gained the ability to trust myself around food. I can eat until I’m full and not feel guilty about it. I embrace food without the guilt! 

I have a toolkit to help me through stressful situations so I don’t turn to food as my only source of comfort. 

I know how to eat to keep myself from getting overwhelming cravings. 

I’ve learned mindfulness tools to help me get through my days. 

I’m able to work through my emotions without immediately numbing myself with food. 

Katelyn is like having your own personal cheerleader.

She helped me to celebrate the little things to really show me how far I’ve come. This was really huge for me.

She was positive and really helped me to break down things and figure out ‘what was really going on when something tripped me up.

She helped me truly understand myself, my emotions, and how it all affected different aspects of my life. 

She truly helped me to see things in a way that let me forgive myself and be much kinder to myself. 

I know that I can get through anything with the tools that I’ve learned and no longer feel like I’m a slave to food anymore. That’s HUGE!

I understand myself. I have less guilt. I’m more forgiving and more mindful. And I wear clothes that fit my body comfortably!

Katelyn is a burst of sunshine who helps clear out the cobwebs of your life so that you can have more clear and sunny days. I know that investing in this coaching was the right decision.

I have more confidence and trust in myself than ever before.


Robin L., Technology Director


Bella T., Bookkeeper + Blogger